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Date : 2012-09-01
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The Eastern Greek Orthodox New Testament Volume 2 Acts ~ A pocket size edition of the Eastern Greek Orthodox New Testament EOB Volume 2 includes the Introduction to the EOB the Acts of the Apostles the Letters and the Revelation of John
Customer reviews The Eastern Greek Orthodox ~ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The Eastern Greek Orthodox New Testament Volume 2 Acts Letters and Revelation at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users
The Orthodox New Testament Acts Epistles and Revelation ~ The Holy Apostles Convent has given us the best translation from Greek to English of the New Testament in 2 volumes as well as a volume of the Psalms per my Patristic Greek Orthodox priest and spiritual father with excellent Commentary from the Holy Fathers in the Patristic Tradition of the Orthodox Church This is volume 2 of the Orthodox New Testament with Commentary
Eastern Greek Orthodox New Testament Volume 2 Acts ~ A pocket size edition of the Eastern Greek Orthodox New Testament EOB Volume 2 includes the Introduction to the EOB the Acts of the Apostles the Letters and the Revelation of John
The Eastern Greek Orthodox New Testament Acts Letters ~ A pocket size edition of the Eastern Orthodox Bible New Testament is now available This 475×675 edition comes in three volumes The first volume contains the Gospels 348pp the second volume includes Acts the Letters and Revelation 370pp and the third volume includes the Appendices 164pp Volume three available separately
The Orthodox New Testament Volume 2 Praxapostolos Acts ~ Volume 2 of The Orthodox New Testament “If a New Testament manuscript contains the complete continuous text ofonly the Acts and the Epistles of the apostles and Revelation it is called a Praxapostolos or Apostolos More specifically the Apostolos contains lectionary selections from Acts and the twentyone Epistles The present volumes introduce the English reading public to excerpts of the depth and sublimity of the patristic writings
THE EASTERN GREEK ORTHODOX BIBLE NEW TESTAMENT ~ translations of the New Testament including the NIV 2 Thess 215 and NAB Matt 532 Another intention of this translation is to foster interest in learning the
The Eastern Greek Orthodox New Testament Volume 3 ~ The Gospels and the Acts Letters and Revelation are separate volumes A third volume contains appendices pertaining to Eastern Orthodoxy in general and this translation in particular It is not necessary to buy this volume in order to get the full understanding of the other two
The Orthodox Faith Volume I Doctrine and Scripture ~ Home Orthodoxy The Orthodox Faith Volume I Doctrine and Scripture New Testament Volume I Doctrine and Scripture New Testament Book of Revelation The Book of Revelation also called the Apocalypse which means that which has been disclosed and also called the Revelation to Saint John is traditionally considered to be the work of the Lord’s apostle who later wrote the fourth
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